Agency Agreement
A binding legal agreement used to agree to the Strata Management of a Scheme. This will list standard management fees, term of the agreement, insurance commissions as well as any additional costs agreed to by the parties involved.
Annual General Meeting
This is the annual meeting of the Owners Corporation. This meeting is generally used to decide items such as insurance renewal terms, Strata Management, Appointment of Strata/Executive Committees and levy contributions to name a few.
These are a legally binding set of rules that are registered for the Scheme. Failure to abide by these rules can result in breach notices, notice to complies and possible orders issued by NCAT or Courts.
Capital Works Fund
This is a sub account of any Strata Schemes Trust Account. This is used for long term replacement or major repairs to Common Property and can be looked at as somewhat of an investment fund to the long-term requirement of the building.
Certificate of Currency
Lists the current period of coverage and policies of insurance held by a Scheme.
Common Seal
The Common Seal of the Owners Corporation. This is used for the same purposes a Company Seal would be used for.
Community Association
Made up of all Notified Owners of the Association.
Community Property
Any area owned by the Community Association as a whole.
Deposited Plan
This is the location plan and list of units of entitlement for each Lot. This also the reference point to what is Lot Property and what is Community/Neighbourhood or Precent Property.
A levy is the financial contribution payable by any lot in a Strata or Deposited Plan. These funds are payable to the Trust Account and pay for both the day to day running of the Plan. It includes costs for insurance, grounds, plumbing, other general maintenance items as will as long term major repairs and replacements for Common Property items. Levies are set at every AGM. Special Levies can also be raised for special projects or an injection of funds
Neighbourhood Association
Made up of all Notified Owners of the Association.
Owners Corporation
A total of all Notified Owners as a whole.
Proxy Form
A form that assigns a voting parties powers to another individual.
Section 46 Certificate
Same meaning as Section 22 Certificate for any Deposited Plan.
Unit of Entitlements
This is a schedule set out as part of the original Registered Plan. This is used to determine voting rights.
Annual Fire Safety Statemen
An annual compliance document required by Local Council and NSW Fire Brigade to ensure any essential fire safety measures listed as part of the Occupancy Certification are functional and ready for use. MANDATORY
Building Management Committee
The BMS is a statement that is utilised to outline the management of a Building Management Committee ("BMC")
By-Law Breach